By contributing to An Nisa Islamic Institute, you play a vital role in supporting our mission of spreading knowledge, values, and positive impact within our community.

How to participate in donations

Muallimaats being trained at An Nisa Quran house will inshAllah be a Sadaqa e Jaariah for their parents, teachers, helpers and supporters. You can barter for Jannah by sponsoring a Muallima;

Sponsor a day scholar Mullimah ---5000/ month

Sponsor a Hosteliite Mullimah ---8000/ month

The course continues for a duration of 2 years


  • BANK NAME:   Dubai Islamic Bank Pakistan Ltd

  • ACCOUNT NO:   0080788003

  • Branch Code:   036

  • Branch:   Cavalry Ground

  • IBAN:   PK96 DUIB 0000 0000 8078 8003

Donate For Hostel

An Nisa is planning to build a bigger hostel for the students in future. As Alhamdolillah our hostel students are increasing day by day. So forseeing this we are planning to build our new hostel on a bigger land to easily accoodate the students and let the current Quraan House Campus be only for our expanding islamic educational activities.


  • BANK NAME:   Meezan Bank

  • ACCOUNT NO:   0101361594

  • Branch Code:   0216

  • Branch:   Cavalry Ground

  • IBAN:   PK50 MEZN 0002 1601 0136 1594